Friday, May 10, 2013


When you finished high school or graduated from college, did you have these big dreams that seemed to push you forward as you entered into the real world?  Where are those dreams today?  Are you living them?  Have you forgotten about them?

In March, after signing up with the health supplements company,  I decided to follow what the other distributors were saying and doing.  I was so energized.  My first task was to create my dream board.

During this activity, I realized that I had forgotten of my dream to tour the castles of Europe.  So I put it on my board.  These are the things that will help motivate me to keep going.

What are your dreams?  Make a dream board and go after your dreams!

This week I have been thinking about all those dreams I have had of starting my own business or company that was to be the heart of my dream board. 

Do you have a dream to set off on your own doing something specific?  Write them down!

One website I found to be a great resource is  It takes you through the entire process of determining if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, how to determine what you should do, and how to get there.

There is a section that takes you through the process of determining what you should do.  I started a journal to keep track of all of my ideas and activities from this website.  I found it hard to do the pros and cons that will help me pick.

This is my list:
1.  Custom children's clothing shop
2.  Custom made wedding dress shop/bridal rental shop
3. Custom fit lingerie and  undergarment shop
4. Small business consultant
5. Wedding reception location and rentals
6. Sewing teacher
7. Wedding planner
8.  Invitations
9.  One stop wedding shop

I am looking forward to my appointment with Lisa Woodruff from  I can't wait to have some light shed of my dilemma. 


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