Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Objectives and Measurements

When deciding on objectives, think of those things you can do that will fulfill your desire to have that thing in your life or to help you improve to better that thing.
Next, assessed each objective.  How will you measure your performance?  What are your specific results to be achieved?  This is the actions to get you to your goals/objectives.  Without these specific steps, you still just have 5 dreams.

Here are my measurements:
1. Be consistent with my business.
     a. Map out my schedule for family time, me time, and office ours/business time.
     b. Create a weekly schedule at the beginning of each week.
     c. Create a call schedule each week.
     d. Be an active participant in my networking group.
2. Stay in contact with customers on a regular basis.
     a. Make 5 calls every other day to follow up with my food company customers.
     b. Post at least 5 times a week on my food company Facebook page.
     c. Post at least 3 times a week on my wedding invitation Facebook page.
3. Get in front of more people.
     a. Network with a health and wellness company and have first meeting by end of Jan.
     b. Network with a second health and wellness company and have first meeting by end of January.
     c. Network with a wedding planner for invitations and make initial call by end of January.
     d. Attend 1-2 vendor fairs with food company by end of 2013.
4. Make an average $$$ a month to go towards our honeymoon and a new to us car.
     a. Have 1-2 food company events each month with an average of $$$ in sales.
     b. Do 4-6 initiation jobs with an average profit of $$$ in 2013.
     c. Teach 2-3 sewing classes in 2013 with 5-10 students in each.

The final step is to determine what are potential obstacles.  What are those things that may come up and pose a threat to your goals?  By identifying them now, you will be able to plan for them in order to reach your goals.

I  determined my obstacles were:
1.  I can easily be distracted by what has to be done at home and being tired or overwhelmed.
2. We do not have internet and the phone line needs to be replaced before we can get the internet again.

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